Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Altruism - Bring me back Altruism!

BringBack - I know that Dave Ramsey was talking about a friend of his that used to give away one hundred dollar bills to random people on the street during Christmas time.

He was known as the Christmas Angel. He never sought any form of recognition and took particular joy in seeing people's faces when he offered them the money.

He passed a few years ago, but Dave Ramsey told this story because he wanted his listeners to understand that it is great to save money and be debt free because he felt that it put you in a great position to give to others in the way that you would like. This is what ideal altruism is all about.

I also love when companies display corporate altruism. Many large companies give anonymously even though they would benefit from the positive public relations.

Many of these corporations are places that people really enjoy working in because the company truly understands the value of people and the human spirit.

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