Thursday, June 30, 2011



Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chocolate Milk Shake.


Ingredients : 
1 pint premium chocolate ice-cream
1/4 cup whole milk
2 tablespoons malt powder
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup.

Place all the ingredients in a bar blender and process on low speed until all the ingredients are well incorporated and a smooth shake forms, about 30 to 45 seconds. Pour into 2 tall glasses and serve immediately.

"COOK'S NOTE" : For an extra-special treat, add  3/4 cup of crumbled cookies (such as chocolate sandwich cookies, chocolate chip cookies or shortbread ) along to the blender with all other ingredients.

Mother's LOVE and Sweet LOVE.

A mother's Love is eternal. It needs no payment.

Any human beings on earth requires payment. Even the best of friends, has to be returned.

But a Mother of all mothers is eternal and requires no PAYMENT.

They do not ask for "payment".

"Sweet Love" - To the world, you might be one person. But to one person, you might be the world. - Some of the greatest things in life are unseen. That's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry and dream. "Sad Love" - Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. - Falling in love is awfully simple. But falling out of love is simply awful. "Break-up" - the hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else. If you love something, let it go, if it comes back, then it's yours forever. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be..

Monday, June 27, 2011

When you start dreaming of skeletons.....the angel of death is at sight.

Journal Entry.

Again and again in my life I have had to face CHOICES. At one stage in my life it was English Literature or Jesus. Though I was a medical student, I had a passion for literature. I even tried to collect first editions of Victorian novelists. I read late into the night, so late that I would be no use the next day. Good literature was an escape for me. I was not reading it as it should be read but drugging my mind in soporific clouds of words.

But God had shown me something of his own treasures and my heart craved them. In some dim way I perceived that my weakness for fiction interfered with my capacity to follow Christ. So I packed all the 18th and 19th century novelists and poets into a great crate and gave them to a friend who was majoring in English. She gave me an angpow. I was left with a sense of relief and gratitude.I have never questioned the sanity of that decision. Today, books that are crammed untidily on all my bookselves and litter every room in my house, I did the same thing. That no longer hinder me making once quite a decision because I made a good choice.CHOICES IN LIFE.

Motherhood to me is a GIFT!

A Marriage Made in the Heavens!

The Beauty of Love.....!

The Beauty of LOVE......!

In Ever Loving Arms......I want to stay by yourside forever!

Hi,my name is Wan-Ling,I'm also called Elaine.....I've found my "heaven".

Heaven is in your mind. Heaven is in your soul....When I was a bright young teenager like you, I love to watch TV and videos of love stories and chapters and chapters of them of never-ending stories....until one fine day, I found my lark, my sparkling dew from the fountain of youth. We got married and expand. We had very good times and very good moments together. I cherish it still today. I'm still attached to him though, although we haven't met for the past one year though. We have been separated for quite some time due to circumstances beyond our control. I'll tell you in the chapters that follow. Now is this.

LOVE is eternity. It lies in the heart of time. Forgiveness is LOVE. My picture of love is as the picture above. A bright full ripe ole full moon. A lunar full moon eclipse. Bonnie Tyler. Total eclipse of the heart. Ha Ha Ha Ha....

I like my life. It has been planned. My parents planned for it. Every bit and every aspect of it. I owe it to them for eternity with a past...Thank you Lord and Thank You Buddha....

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My "RICE BOWL"( I'm married for 13 years of my life and still am )

For years I felt guilty because I never seemed to be committed deeply enough to Christ. I had the feeling that I should be suffering more,doing without more. Yet when I did suffer, my suffering bore little relationship to my commitment. Sometimes it seemed to arise from my lack of commitment and at other times bore no relation at all to it. "When Jesus tells you to take up your cross daily, he is not telling you to find some way to suffer daily. He is simply giving forewarning of what happens to the person who follows him".

I did suffer for the sake of my marriage. I did suffer for the sake of my children ( now aged 12 and 9 ). I was at a lost for words but right now, I had only one - INJUSTICE. (Because I was no longer a princess, I was a full-time mother of two boys full of pranks and sinister plots ).I was a victim of cruelty and abuse on the part of food and comfort, I was given no share of glory or the ambience of splendour but pieces of wastes. That's the role of a mother - to eat shit !

No comfort zone, no TV, no pleasure, no radio, everyday clean toilets and work out - sweat like HELL ! I can't eat the food that I cooked - the best are for the gentlemens and the masters!!!!! The role of a mother is to bear the pain of childbirth, bear the agony of eating shits, bear the foul play of having sex with your partner, bear the painful hardships of raising agony kids and sharing every bit and every cent that you ever had! Nothing for yourself but EVERYTHING for the family and MORE FOOD on the table at all costs!NAH!

How to Pick Up The Cross ~ You Jump, I Jump!

Benevolent duties to fulfill. Bear the pain and the agony. Test of Time.. Pass the test. Don't raise the standards. NO PAIN NO GAIN.

The State Of Being at Rest, Unmoved, Undefinable JOY - NIRVANA ( Your karma shows )

I am at peace with the LORD and with BUDDHA. The state of being in Nirvana....

ANGELS from the realms!

I am like an angel being set free! I have a mission to be filled. To save unto a soul! Blessed be unto the LORD!


The destiny of a human being is fixed or variable. Can the control of destiny be exercised by one! Is it possible for a normal human being to take complete control of his destiny? Is it possible to manifest destiny?YES! It is possible to manifest destiny if you are able to understand the crux of life. The destiny of every human being rests with one. It is like a chest of gold. The key of which is not immediately made available to us. Only having passed certain standards in life would the key become available to us.

To manifest our own destiny there are some requisites fulfilling which one manifests one own destiny? The moment one enters the domain of human life.....the highest manifest stage in the cosmic reaches the stage of enlightenment and finally salvation. Before that we need to take control of our destiny in totality. How? Before we indulge further in the matter of destiny........we need to understand the reality of life!

MEMORY - Spatial Reasoning
ATTENTION - Problem Solving
FOCUS - Fluid Intelligence
SPEED - Stress
LANGUAGE - Reaction Time.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Disco ~ No entry! No key for entry! Never in my whole life!( I don't see myself as unlucky )

I have never been to disco and I don't see myself as unlucky because I haven't been given the privilege or the opportunity of enjoyment or fun at the disco tech or disco pup. It is a very dangerous place for girls to hang out if they don't have the right kind of friends who can take care of them girls. The boys can get all the opportunity and the key is given to them because they are strong and tough plus masculine in the sense when they know how to take care of themselves and their cars parked outside. Everybody is OUT to have a piece of fun and momento to remember and I got mine from somewhere else. Praise the Lord at all times! Let us not be destroyed as let us not come out to destroy or the ones destined to destroy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Good and True Friend, Noraziah.

My Best Friend's name is Noraziah.She is currently 45 years of age and she is a housewife. I finally found an absolute friend. She is a real true good friend. God bless her soul.......I got to know her deeply this day on 23rd June, 2011 (Thursday). She lives nearby my house on the other road to our house, at the nearby lane. Her house number is 51, 3/7 and mine is 22, 3/8. I treasure this friendship. She invited me inside her beautiful house and presented an excellent glass of berry juice. I love her for it. I was thirsty after the long walk to trim my waist with her during evening time. We had a heart to heart talk and it was also emotional. I guess my life is slightly worse than hers but we could be blessed to stay as friends forever. Maybe oneday I had saved enough money and her timing is correct, she asked me to accompany her and I went out with her with permission from my parents and spent time eating out together at shopping malls and I belanja her as well with food. She is not a business women or a trader and she doesn't sell products which my mom is afraid of me being cheated. She is a pure housewife and mother of two, like me.
Welcome to our friendship!

Friday, June 17, 2011


This is a picture of me when I was 28. I was in Bangkok with my parents and an aunt before I got married and moved to a new haven where I started to nest. I had good days and bad days. I have 2 kids. They're both boys.They are aged 12 and 9 this year 2011.I'm married for 13 years. The photo at the bottom is a photo of them in 2010 last year during Christmas. I am currently unemployed and resting in my hometown.

Do You Have Any Comments to Put In?

Do You Have Any Comments? Drop It In If you have an Opinion.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I want to PRAISE the LORD that I've found a BUTLER!!!!!!!  I am the maid, my mother's the Butler - TOGETHER WE  STRIVE FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OUR FUTURE!

Maya Angelou - LONG LIVE a KING!

I've found my pair of GLASSES!