Sunday, June 26, 2011

My "RICE BOWL"( I'm married for 13 years of my life and still am )

For years I felt guilty because I never seemed to be committed deeply enough to Christ. I had the feeling that I should be suffering more,doing without more. Yet when I did suffer, my suffering bore little relationship to my commitment. Sometimes it seemed to arise from my lack of commitment and at other times bore no relation at all to it. "When Jesus tells you to take up your cross daily, he is not telling you to find some way to suffer daily. He is simply giving forewarning of what happens to the person who follows him".

I did suffer for the sake of my marriage. I did suffer for the sake of my children ( now aged 12 and 9 ). I was at a lost for words but right now, I had only one - INJUSTICE. (Because I was no longer a princess, I was a full-time mother of two boys full of pranks and sinister plots ).I was a victim of cruelty and abuse on the part of food and comfort, I was given no share of glory or the ambience of splendour but pieces of wastes. That's the role of a mother - to eat shit !

No comfort zone, no TV, no pleasure, no radio, everyday clean toilets and work out - sweat like HELL ! I can't eat the food that I cooked - the best are for the gentlemens and the masters!!!!! The role of a mother is to bear the pain of childbirth, bear the agony of eating shits, bear the foul play of having sex with your partner, bear the painful hardships of raising agony kids and sharing every bit and every cent that you ever had! Nothing for yourself but EVERYTHING for the family and MORE FOOD on the table at all costs!NAH!

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