Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reasons for being ignored. SHOW ME YOUR GUT!

Being ignored is dispiriting, even to someone who has a pretty darn good life. You feel like you don't count. Imagine what it must feel like for a job seeker who's been looking for a job for months, who works her butt off crafting a careful job application, and gets no response. Silence. As though she's not even worth a rejection letter.

And imagine one of the millions of low-level employees , doing an unglamourous, thankless job day after day, year after year. How often would you imagine he gets praised? How often would you guess someone notices when he comes in wearing a handdog expression? Or a new shirt? Or when she's sighing, frustrated with a task?

And if you're one of those people who feel ignored, please take solace in knowing that unfortunately, in our ever faster-paced society, the human touch is often a casualty. There are plenty of unquestionably worthy people who too are being ignored. The best thing you can do is to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get out of your head and keep your antennae out for opportunities to bring a little humanity into other people's lives. You'll feel better, I promise. It's corny but true that it feels better to give than to receive. It may even help your career. It is not that my mother gave me too much that I can feel good in giving to others than a whole lot of girls out there dying to receive more than to give. It is the feeling of being secure.

This is how you should to bring about love, when someone's being ignored. HUG someone today. A close, affectionate embrace. I feel so much better. She feels so much better. He feels that he's being loved and cherished.......

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